Canvas Prints

Transforming homes everywhere one wall at a time!

Wall Canvas


Turn your photos into gallery wrapped canvas fit for a museum! Start designing your photos to canvas prints for only $45 !

Our gallery photo canvas prints are HD printed and then hand-stretched onto a 3.8cm (1.5 inch) deep wood frame.

There are moments so good, you want them in your daily life. Made With Love canvas prints are a wonderful way to remember and celebrate those times. Bring a room to life by creating your own custom piece of art that is printed with acid-free ink onto high quality canvas, then wrapped around a sturdy 32mm stretcher frame, with hanging hardware already attached and delivered ready to hang.
The printed canvas is wrapped around the edges of the frame. When ordering you can specify the “wrap” as white, or a natural or mirror “image wrap”.

SKU: SKU-WF-CP Categories: , ,

Three Beautiful Orientation

Turn your moments into art with one of three premium Canvas Print formats. For those breathtaking landscape shots, that “I do” moment or the priceless family photo, you’ll be in awe of the high quality finish on our ready to hang premium Canvas Prints.

Archival Prints

Setting a new benchmark in canvas printing, your images are printed on superior quality matt acid-free canvas to last longer than a lifetime with a longevity rating of 70-100+ years.

Choose from Two Print Edges

Beauty is in the details. Choose a seamless finish with our fully wrapped option or keep it classic with a white border edge.


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